Converting SVG graphics into the
XAML (WPF) format
There are several free tools for converting SVG
graphics to the XAML (WPF) format.
You can import individual SVG graphics using the
graphics editor Inkscape and save it in Microsoft XML
I prefer SharpVectors 1.0 Converter. This allows you
to convert multiple SVG graphics or a whole folder
content into one XAML (WPF) format in
one step.
All basic graphics and overlays included in Colibrico
Design Studio can be converted to the XAML (WPF) file
format using SharpVectors 1.0 Converter.
However, some design elements in Colibrico Design
Studio and effects such as long shadow or mirroring use
transparencies. These are not included in the current
version of SharpVectors.
After starting SharpVectors 1.0 Converter, select Files if
you want to convert only one graphic.
Specify an SVG file and select a destination folder.
After the conversion is started, information on the
conversion is displayed in the „Output“ tab.
The XAML graphic is displayed visually in the „Viewer“